Tuesday 19 March 2013


Juergen Teller

Bjork, Spaghetti Nero, Venice 
This is a photograph of famous Iceland singer-songwriter Bjork, photographed by Juergen Teller. I am not quite sure what is the actual meaning to this photograph, as Bjork is seen to be eating black spaghetti which looks to be done using squid ink. 
This to some may look weird and disgusting, but to a person such as Bjork, this is what happens in 'her' world. I think this photograph is one of the many reflections of her personality, as she is not one to opt for what is considered 'normal' in today's society. 
The subject matter of the photograph may not be seen as realistic, as it does look quite disgusting but to me that is what makes the image beautiful. It is definitely  quite abstract as is much of Juergen Teller's work.
In the exhibition this image was part of massive collage which was done in a small room covered in different images. This image was at the top of the room, and it  immediately stood out to me.
Although the image is in colour, the usage of it is very minimal/ if at all there. I think the usage of the monochrome, black and white works really for the image as it adds to that 'disturbing' effect it gives off. The white plate, table and plate help to make the black really stand out and become the main focus.
I think that the mood of all of Teller's work really push the boundaries of photography and of what is seen to be 'acceptable' by society. He adds a very modern twist to his images adding to how striking they are. Although he does many photographs for fashion designers which are most of the time very glamorous and heavily edited, he does have that side which just wants to forget about the norm and do more.

Comparision to Man Ray

Solarized portrait of Lee Miller, 1930 by Man Ray
This beautiful portrait is the work of Man Ray. Both of the photographs differ greatly, as in one you get the quirky and unique Bjork and in the other you get the very classy photographer Lee Miller.
I actually don't think I can choose which is my preferred photograph as both deliver amazing qualities. One hand you have a very modern digital photograph taken in 2007, but the on the other hand you have a film photograph which then has been solarized taken in 1930. 
Since they were done in two very different eras, there are clearly going to be changes, however Man Ray's solarized photograph of Lee Miller is really astonishing. It seems to have the qualities of a drawing but then it comes to you that it is in fact a photograph, this technique really defines details, such as facial features, hair clothing etc. Also, the period time Man Rays photograph was taken, it was a time were woman were very classy, and demure and this in turn is reflected in the photograph. As Miller has been photographed by her side profile, has very sleek glamours and seems to be covered up. Whereas Teller's work in the 00's Bjork, has her mouth opened with food pouring out, her hair is a bit crazy and her dress has mesh panel which reveals her cleavage. 
In conclusion, I personally like both for different reasons, but I really admire Juergen Teller's boldness in his work and how he moves out of that mold of being normal and doing what is considered to be socially acceptable. However given the time in which Man Ray worked, his work has played a huge part in today's modern day photography, and given the work he was doing at his time its amazing to see that his work is still recognized today.

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