Thursday 14 November 2013


These are the first few photographs which I have taken and developed as part of my final piece. My main inspiration has been Daido Moriyama with his high contrast photography and candid imagery.

For this photograph I first did a test strip, but then I thought it looked quite good as a test strip with the contrast of it going dark to light, so I figured out the time for it which was 10 seconds, and then covered each side for about a second. But whilst I was doing this I made sure I shook the piece of card I was using to cover the sections in order to get a smooth transition of colour, otherwise had I not shaken it, it would have block lines of colour. 

Whilst it was raining I took a photograph of a puddle which was reflecting a tree, I really like this photograph and how dark it is, I think it really reflects the mood at the time the photograph was taken.

I took this photograph from the back of the passenger seat in the car. I was looking in from the little space there is on the drivers seat. When I originally processed this photograph, the middle where you can see the lamp posts where completely white, and you couldn't just make out some details. So I burned the middle of the photograph for an extra 8 seconds from it's original time to get this final photograph.

This photograph, again I took when it had just stopped raining and this gives the ground a lot of light and an almost gloss like look which I think works really well with the contrast look I wanted. I like the really dark of the alleyway with the contrast of the white from the shutters in the shop.

I quickly took this photograph as I was crossing the street, so I didn't really have much time to figure all the settings. However I thought I ended up with a decent photograph.

These were a few posters which I saw whilst walking down a street. I didn't have any typography images so I reckoned this photograph would help fill that 'hole'. When I first processed the photograph the posters around the side weren't as dark as I wanted, therefore I burned all the corners to make them darker; revealing a lot more detail. I decided to burn the photograph rather than expose the whole image again but for longer time because the white in the middle was just becoming too dark,and the contrast between the writing and the background was beginning to get lost.

For my final image I took this one of a few fans which I saw in an alley way. I am not sure what appealed me to take the photograph, I guess it could've been the composition of the fans themselves which I thought looked really cool, but the end result I thought was quite successful.

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